Preferred Axis – Kosmologische Vorzugsachsen

Modell erstellt mit VECTARY.

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Übersicht der Pole und Achsen im galaktischen Koordinatensystem:

Engl. direction/axisKoordinate b (θ) = ElevationKoordinate l (φ) = AzimuthQuelleBeschreibung
north ecliptic pole29,81°96,38°
ecliptic plane60,2°
CMBR dipole42°264° 1
CMBR dipole48,26°263,99°researchgate.netQuelle 2
CMBR quadrupole13,4°238,5°
CMBR octopole25,7°239°
alignment of quasar polarization vectors69°267°
large scale velocity flows84°282°
anisotropy of the cosmic acceleration23,4°247,4°
direction of the Sun’s motion (η Hercules constellation)40,9°62,28°theskylive.comapprox.
dark energy dipole direction23°137° +